Are You Prepared to Save Money on Flight Training?

Whether talking about flight training or any other type of training, in most cases, proper preparation can save you a lot of frustration and money. This post explains a few keys to successful preparation.

How do you pay for flight training

Whether for a career, recreation or both, you need a plan   For…

That Doesn’t Look Like My Airplane!

An activity that many pilots enjoy involves sitting at the airport and watching other pilots takeoff and land. While enjoying this pastime you may see some aircraft that look a bit different from your typical trainer. Join us as we take a brief look at some of the "other aircraft" that you might see.

Sporty’s Releases Updated Learn to Fly Course

New Content and Improved Functionality Deliver Even More Value   Nearly…

Own your training experience

All too often during the course of training students will experience…

Four things most instructors won’t tell you during your training

Learning to fly is hard, challenging, nerve-racking (at times),…

Keeping Flying Fun

When was the last time you saw an ad that said "Come Learn to Fly Just for the Fun of It?" It is like we have forgotten that flying is an amazing and fun thing to do! Learn more about the forgotten fun of flying in the linked article.

Choosing a Flight School

I spend a great deal of time talking with prospective students…

Success in Flight Training – Take it One Step at a Time

Manageable Goals Makes it Fun and Keep you Focused Our extensive…